Music Scholarship Workshop Program

9th Annual Dysonna Arts & Jazz Festival in the Rose Gardens is thrilled to announce DAJF’s very first Jazz Music Scholarship Workshop Program. The winners of the Scholarship Workshop will be invited to perform at the Jazz Festival, Saturday, July 15, 2023, An amazing Scholorship accomplishment!! The band is titled “Dysonna Jazz Band”

Music Workshop

Music Scholarship workshop will be held in the creative studio of Dysonna.

Wednesday, May 17 – July 14. High school and adult instrumentalists and vocalists of all skill levels are welcome to this intensive and immersive Music Workshop. Students will study and perform with our grammy nominated instructor Cori Jacobs, along with performer of Dysonna Arts & Jazz Festival’s instructor Ronald Melvin..

The director of Dysonna Arts & Jazz Festival, Donna Dyson, will also join the workshop to inspire our direction.

Application deadline is May 10th 2023. There will be a scholarship awarded at the end of the workshop and an opportunity to perform in the Dysonna Jazz Band.

Application form below

Registration has begun and closes on May 10. The fee is $365 per student and tuition includes 10 weeks of instruction and refreshments. Log on

A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required at the time of registration and the final payment will be due on or before May 12. No refunds will be given after May 17, 2023.

Music Scholarship workshop Information

  • Each recipient will be notified individually via email after May 13th

  • Workshop begins every Wednesday at 7pm -9pm starting May 17th until July 14th

  • Collected musicians will perform at Dysonna Arts & Jazz Festival July 15th

Working with students in the studio and onstage, Dysonna Arts & Jazz Festival’s teachers will be renowned local, Grammy nonimated jazz instructors and performers who nurture students of all ages. This includes our new Music Scholarship workshop.

“Dysonna Jazz Band”


Sign up today to be apart of this exciting learning experience. The Music workshop will lead you to a scholarship that will give you an oppurunity to perform on a live stage, or a jam session with your workshop mats. At the end of the worshop You will be on another level of performance